Friday, April 17, 2020

Journal of a Plague Year, Thursday, April 16

Things returned to normal today. My head and throat were clear, and I was able to work outside.

This has been an unusually warm spring. Our last frost day normally occurs in early May.

The apricots and peaches bloomed early, and completed flowering. The cherries and crab apples were starting to blossom.

Then, Monday, our typical spring returned. I had an inch of snow around my house. Much of it settled on flowers. The cherries blooms turned brown. The leaves were OK on everything except the new shrub I bought last Friday.

Wednesday, my outside thermometer read 15 degrees. That finished off any open blooms. Some buds may have survived.

Normal here may be a new phenomenon with everything closed, but normal to Nature has not been affected by any virus.

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