Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Wash

[I originally wrote this in October 2011, but never posted this series on the local geology. The pictures are still worth seeing.]

A bare cone stands back from the road, beckoning you to come discover. It’s sides have already been marred by ATV drivers who took the challenge. Yesterday, I heeded its siren call.

I was coming back from the near arroyo when I thought I spied a path to its base, a sort of gently sloping, lowland route. It had the right come hither look, a promise it wouldn’t be hard on the knees.

I started back. The grass covering disappeared to expose the usual tan sand and clay.

Then the bared ground turned into a dry arroyo, a wash completely hidden from the road.

The wash turned into a maze of washes that might somehow, if I followed the right one, lead me back to the arroyo.

The cone became harder and harder to approach.

I turned and found the wash also connected to one that crosses the county road close to my house. I chickened out and took the low road home.

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