Monday, May 18, 2020

Journal of a Plague Year, Monday, May 18

The Santa Fé Attitude thrives despite the coronavirus.

That’s my term for the arrogance of many in that city who think that, because they have no competition, they can ignore their customers.

Now that businesses are being allowed to open up, I called two to make appointments.

One was the company that services my well. When I called some weeks ago, its voice mail was full. It was obvious no one was checking it.

Today when I called I was told the person who makes appointments was not available. The individual who answered said I could leave my number and someone would call back.

I would think they would be hungry for business and would have trained people to backup each other.

Then I called an ophthalmologist. The tape was much friendlier. It said to leave a message and someone would get back to me. The voice said they didn’t check daily, but did check.

The problem was that now that it’s possible to make appointments, they are closing the office from May 15 to June 8.

I really don’t have a problem with individuals wanting to extend their isolation for a longer period. The virus is still dangerous and much about its behavior isn’t known, and won’t be known until it’s been around a full year.

All I can do now is to wait to see if either bother to return my call, or if we’re back to business as usual when Espanola calls aren’t returned. Sometimes that’s because people forget to dial the area code, and sometimes I suspect its because they don’t want our business.

So far, the other eye doctor, whose office promised to call as soon as it was making appointments, hasn’t bothered.

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