Sunday, January 20, 2019

Boomerang Murals

Anna Dillanne rented the main building at 814 South Riverside in 2010, and had friends paint murals on the outside walls. The main element was wisteria vines that went up the front corners.

The vines then spread along the front of the building like a frieze under the roof.

Pink flamingos marched around the base of the building.

The back building, where she began her business, was taken over by a daycare center. Fanciful fish were painted near the door with air bubbles around the window.

When she was interviewed by Horsetail Trails she didn’t provide their names. It would be nice to give them credit.

Notes: "Boomerang Thrift Boutique." Horsetail Trails website. 5 January 2010.

Notes on Photographs: 1 and 3 were taken 6 July 2012, 2 was taken 15 January 2012, and 4 was taken 9 November 2014.

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