Friday, September 07, 2012

Conventional Families

The two party conventions are over. Both didn’t just talk about ideal family structures, but demonstrated them.

Each began with the woman of the household, Ann Romney who was more wife than mother, followed by Michelle Obama who was more mother than wife.

They were followed by the favored sons, each competing for their father’s attention and showing off to whoever would watch. It happens, both Paul Ryan and Bill Cinton used the same techniques, those of the college bound young male eager to prove he has mastered his course work.

Next came the father, the one distracted by matters at the office (Mitt Romney), the other by matters at home (Barrack Obama). Home of course, isn’t just paying the rent, but meeting all the obligations of the nation as a family.

Each was preceded by the other family member invited to Sunday dinner. This is where the two parties differed. One had grandpa, Clint Eastwood; the other had an uncle, Joe Biden.

As one reads the responses of the press corps, or that part that makes itself heard on the internet, they reveal they still identify with the young kids of the make. They are still grading them like themselves, and by extension, like their teachers who controlled their futures with their grades.

They don’t sound like they have yet actually assumed any real responsibilities, and so simply do not understand something like Obama’s speech. It’s as foreign as anything their fathers ever said.

They have contempt for those older than themselves, with an almost direct correlation between age and contempt (and so Eastwood is older, therefore worse then Biden).

Of course, they still have no awareness of women.

And so, we have the convention as seen by the still adolescent male stuck at the table on Sunday afternoon who would rather be watching football.